The study of the Bible in its historical context - with a focus on the archaeology, history, geography, customs , culture, and even the languages of the ancient Middle East. WE ask what did they understand THEN - the original intent of the Lord - so that we can expand and enrich our understanding NOW and thus become true disciples of Adonai Yeshua as in John 8:31-32.
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
In lesson 3 we will focus on Resurrection Sunday. In session 2 we reconnected to our Jewish roots and found an amazing "picture" that relates the 1st Palm Sunday to the events of the 1st Exodus. The 1st Palm Sunday - if it was a Sunday happened in 30 A.D. - would have been Nissan 10. The day in Exod. 12:1-3 when the fathers of each household would pick the Passover lamb. We learned that the Father, our God, chose His son Jesus on the 1st Palm Sunday, on Nissan 10, as His LAMB OF GOD. What an amazing picture. And, when we go to the next Sunday, the day Jesus rose from the dead, we will see another "picture" from the foundation of Christianity, our Jewish roots, that will add to and enhance our understanding of this explosive event in the doctrine of all Christian believers, the Resurrection of Jesus the Bread of Life and the First Fruits of those who will also rise from the dead.
Links for this lesson ...
Rev. Ferret's video - where is Gethsemane? - filmed on location in Israel -
Joel Kramer's video - the location of Jesus' trial - filmed on location in Israel -
Ray Vander Laan's article on the New Tomb - https://www.thattheworldmayknow.com/a-new-tomb
Pictures of tombs in Jesus' day - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h79kcqbbeb7vf65/AADxSidFpnf0jn3aHSXfZaJpa?dl=0
Dr. Barkey - video of Dr. Barkey proving that the Garden Tomb is not the tomb of Jesus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dndRgZGvNNM
Rev. Ferret's video - THE MIRROR OF PASSOVER -
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Archaeology of Passover - Lesson 3 - The Ram of God and the Last Supper
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
In session 4 (this session is in two parts due to the tremendous amount of material to cover) we will focus on the Last Supper. We will see how knowing ancient Egypt enhances our understanding of not only the Passover meal of Israel but how it helps us see the Last Supper, the Passover meal of the Messiah, in a deeper and more intense way.
Another concept we will study is the Jewish Seder. What is a Seder and when did it develop? You will be amazed to see that Jesus NEVER did a Seder and, even the Jewish people prior to 70 A.D., never did a Seder. Again, we are dealing with real history and we will see that the Jewish Seder that we know today had its beginnings in Jesus' day and before. But, Jewish sources show clearly that the Seder was established after 70 A.D. as a response of the rabbis to figure out what to do now that the Temple was destroyed and they could not do the Passover meal as commanded by God in the place He commanded, in Jerusalem. After 70 A.D. Passover and the Appointed time of Unleavened Bread was not a pilgrimage event any more. Now the rabbis sad you could do it in your house anywhere to keep the feast alive. On top of that we will also see that Jesus did not do a Passover meal as commanded in Exodus 12. His meal was something unique and distinct but it was only understood in light of the Passover meal.
Here's the links for articles and a video that will enhance your studies in this 4th session.
LINK - article on the Egyptian god Amun - https://www.worldhistory.org/amun/
LINK - article on the Egyptian god Ra - https://www.arce.org/resource/ra-creator-god-ancient-egypt
LINK - article on the location of the upper room - https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-sites-places/biblical-archaeology-sites/jesus-last-supper-tomb-of-david/
LINK - article on the origins of the Seder - https://schechter.edu/the-origins-of-the-seder/
LINK - video lesson entitled "The Mirror of Passover." This takes this series and expands upon it even further. The Passover of Adonai is an amazing event that seems to provide a mirror the Lamb of God and the Passover Lamb and the new creation in Genesis and the new creation in the book of Revelation - https://youtu.be/ipaeu7AQZ8Y
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Truth Nuggets 15 vidcast Purim - Not By Chance But By Design
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
In this vidcast (video) we focus on a small detail the Lord inserted in the book of Esther. For all my years I have never heard anyone teach on it - it was mentioned but no one took it deeper. This small detail we all have read it. But, it seems it doesn’t jog our minds to perhaps pursue what the small detail means and why it is there. But, when we do. WOW!!
So, some say God is not in the book of Esther. That’s right! There is no mention of God or of faith or religious Jewish practices. But, this is God’s inspired book. Thus, call it His TORAH תּוֹרָה which does not mean law but instruction or the Lord's teaching. What is the Lord trying to get at in the book of Esther? Some things are very very obvious. But, we miss things. Why? We are so disconnected for studying the Bible in its historical context. When we do this small detail in the book of Esther will lead us to places that will blow us away.
So, in this inspired book of the Lord, He is teaching us. He is giving us His TORAH תּוֹרָה. Could it be He is connecting us to the Gospel and the Messiah and His redemption plan? Could it be that the book of Esther is part of His design and plan but we have failed to see it since that small detail is something we’ve ignored? The answer is YES. Watch the video. All this is not my theory, opinion, or view. It is The Very Word of God and wait till you see where this takes us. Amazing.
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Archaeology and the Passover - Lesson 2 - Palm Sunday: The Palm and the Lamb
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Session 2 - we continue our focus on the 1st Palm Sunday probably in 30 A.D. We ask why did the Lord pick this day to ride into Jerusalem? Was it just the day that was convenient or was it part of a plan? Is there something about this Sunday that they understood almost 2000 years ago but we don't since we are not Jewish and we did not live then. And what's the deal about the palm branches? In those days the palm branch to the Jews was not a symbol of victory like Rome or Greece - that's a pagan meaning and devout religious Jews would never use such a pagan meaning. For the Jews then it was the symbol of the land of Israel. If you waved a palm branch in Jesus' day as they did it's like us raising the American flag today like after 9/11 and shouting out, "USA, USA, USA!" Waving palm branches was a patriotic gesture in those times in Israel. So, let's delve into our continued study and walk those ancient streets and paths to try and grasp what they knew, what they understood so that the Bible's meaning for us is enhanced and our walk with Rabbi Jesus becomes more passionate and committed.
Here's links to some awesome articles that will enhance your study ...
The article from Jerusalem Perspective on Jesus' last ride into Jerusalem - https://www.jerusalemperspective.com/1402/
Rev. Ferret's graduate paper on the archaeology of the Passion of Jesus - https://www.dropbox.com/s/28fu8ay951lwy3u/NWC%20Paper%20Passion%20Week%202020%20revised.pdf?dl=0
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Saturday Mar 23, 2024
Saturday Mar 23, 2024
Palm Sunday is a key holy day in the church. It marks the start of Passion Week. It also is a remembrance of Jesus' "triumphal" ride into Jerusalem. But, did this happen on a Sunday? It seems from the resources we have that the earliest date of the celebration of Palm Sunday is from the 4th century. That is close to 300 some years after Jesus ascended to heaven. That is a big gap.
This session will show that there is evidence to suggest a real possibility that Jesus did ride into Jerusalem on a Sunday. If this is the case, however, putting this event back into its historical context may challenge our long held traditions. However, as we examine the archaeology, the history, and the ancient customs of those days we will find it strengthens our doctrine - it strengthens our walk of faith.
This is session 1 of a four part series on archaeology and the Passover. Watch for the other three lessons coming soon.
One of my teachers and now a friend, Dr. Carl Rasmussen, professor emeritus of Bethel University, scholar and Bible historian extraordinaire, has an awesome website called Holy Land Photos. I am linking you to one of 100's and 100's of collections he has gathered of pictures of religious and archaeological sites across the Middle East. Here is the link to the collection of pictures of the Mt. of Olives. I know you'll love and it'll add to your study in this four part series.
Link - https://holylandphotos.org/browse.asp?s=1,2,6,19,451
Who is this guy, Rev. Ferret? What's his background? Why should we take time to listen to him? Here's a link to check out his background - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Session Two coming soon
"The Palm and the Lamb"
Why did Jesus ride in on a Sunday? What's the big deal? What does it mean for me today? Just wait!!
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Five Small Stones - Episode 17 Part 2 - Galilee - MIRACULOUS CATCH??
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Five Small Stones - Episode 17 Part 2
(Here's the link for part 1. Please watch part 1 to get the full understanding of the amazing events in Luke 5:1-11.
LINK for part 1 - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/five-small-stones-episode-17-part-1-galilee-let-down-your-nets/ )
In part 1 we visited the Cove of the Parables. It is the likely place Jesus went out in Peter's boat and spoke to the crowds. You can see a picture below of the location of the cove to the ancient city of Capernuam.
I recommend a cool video that that even adds more to our understanding of the cove of the parables. A sound experiment is actually done in the video to show that this place is a place where one can speak to many many people.
Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR9jeFDuXOE
After Jesus spoke to the crowds we read the following ...
When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." Simon answered and said, "Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but I will do as You say and let down the nets." When they had done this, they enclosed a great quantity of fish, and their nets began to break; so they signaled to their partners in the other boat for them to come and help them. And they came and filled both of the boats, so that they began to sink. (Luk 5:4-7)
This is what many of us term the "miraculous catch." It isn't miraculous! No way.
It is beyond miraculous.
It is unexplainable and beyond imagination. So what is the real story behind all this? What is going on? What does this do to our understanding of the events and Jesus? Who is Jesus?
Come and join us as we dig deeper into the story and its historical context.
(NOTE - I mentioned a Jewish archaeologist in this video. His name is Mendel Nun. To access more of his work and studies here's the link - https://www.jerusalemperspective.com/author/mendel-nun/)
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Five Small Stones - Episode 17 Part 1 - Galilee - LET DOWN YOUR NETS
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
There's only one location and only one on the shores of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus could get into a boat and talk to a huge crowd. On top of that Jesus then "thanks" Peter for helping Him by giving Peter a catch of fish that is beyond imagination.
What is the real story? What's behind all this? Is there more to this story? Yes. We did not live then. Most of us don't fish with nets as Peter did. Once again we need to put the Bible into its historical context and hear what they heard and see what they saw and understand how they understood and then our understanding of the text of God's word is enhanced, expanded and deepen. Come and join us and let's head out to the northern shores of the Sea of Galilee; come let us go and let the Lord teach us who He is and what He is like.
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Five Small Stones - Episode 16 - WHO THEN IS THIS
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Is Jesus God? He never said He was - not in so many words. But the Jews 2000 years ago understood truth from action and not words. Is Jesus God? You bet and He shows it by action and not words. His actions 2000 years ago at the Sea of Galilee proved He was God, the only God.
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Five Small Stones - Episode 15 - Not Five But Just One
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Friday Mar 15, 2024
Just a quick review - lessons 1-10 study how Jesus is the first and the last simultaneously. Lessons 11-14 start our study on Biblical geography. First stop was the ancient city of Shechem. Now we start a new series based upon the Sea of Galilee. To access all the videos in this series go to the website. Then click on OTHER RESOURCES. Once that opens click on PODCASTS PLAYLISTS. The list of podcast playlist will be seen be scrolling down. All you need do is then select FIVE SMALL STONE.
Here's the link to the website - www.LightofMenorah.org
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Five Small Stones - Episode 14 - John 4:1-6 - The Blessing to the Nations
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Now the LORD said to Abram (in Haran), "Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father's house, To the land which I will show you (promise of a PLACE); And I will make you a great nation (promise of descendants or PEOPLE), And I will bless you, And make your name great (promise of being well known forever or a promise of POSITION); And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed (promise of a PURPOSE to his life)." So Abram went forth as the LORD had spoken to him; and Lot went with him. Now Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his nephew, and all their possessions which they had accumulated, and the persons which they had acquired in Haran, and they set out for the land of Canaan; thus they came to the land of Canaan. Abram passed through the land as far as the site of Shechem, to the oak of Moreh. Now the Canaanite was then in the land. The LORD appeared to Abram and said (God's promise of a PLACE is given at Shechem), "To your descendants I will give this land." So he built an altar there to the LORD who had appeared to him. (Gen 12:1-7)
Their first stop was Shechem. One couple with the promises of God. Then came Jacob and his family. God promised Abraham descendants. He also promised Abraham a place and Jacob bought land near Shechem. Is this the location of what tradition says is Jacob's well? And just like Abraham Jacob builds an altar to the Lord just like his grandpa. Things are repeated.
After this comes Joshua. He too builds an altar and all Israel renews the Sinai covenant at Shechem. This is after the mighty and miraculous taking of the Promised Land. Through Joshua it is clear the name of Abraham is becoming significant.
The promises of the Lord to Abraham are manifesting themselves in front of our eyes. This is the hand of God. So, does God continue to show us His redemption plan at Shechem? You better believe it. You won't believe who is next.
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0