The study of the Bible in its historical context - with a focus on the archaeology, history, geography, customs , culture, and even the languages of the ancient Middle East. WE ask what did they understand THEN - the original intent of the Lord - so that we can expand and enrich our understanding NOW and thus become true disciples of Adonai Yeshua as in John 8:31-32.
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Exodus - 47 Introduction Lesson 3 Part 2 - Exod. 20:1-17 - NEW Covenants
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
This is the final lesson in the introduction to the Ten Commandments. We will discuss two more topics.
- Is the Sinai Covenant only for Israel? Are the Ten Commandments meant only for them or everyone?
- Is God’s religion a significant component of our lives or is it something bigger?
Our religion that comes from the religion of the Jewish people prior to Jesus’ day encompasses all of life. There is nothing of life that is not affected by our religion. This is in direct contrast with the Greek philosophical concept of life components and the balance of life as taught by Aristotle. His teachings deeply influenced the church after it separated from Israel and centered itself in Rome and abandoned its Jewish roots.
There is one last topic that forms the conclusion of this lesson. The topic is both Jews and Gentiles recognized that the Sinai Covenant had a missing piece. The Ten Commandments, God’s covenant statement was not meant to do it all. It was incomplete. It was missing something – it was missing a blood sacrifice to cleanse a sinner from INTENTIONAL sin. There were blood sacrifices required for UNINTENTIONAL sin, mistakes, lapses in judgment. One can read about this in Leviticus 4 or Numbers 15:22-31. If one sins defiantly, if one sins willingly and openly, if one sins with a high hand of rebellion, in other words INTENTIONALLY there is NO blood sacrifice in the Sinai Covenant to cleanse the sinner. The great Jewish rabbis, Akiva in the early 2nd century A.D., and Maimonides in the late 12th century A.D. both discussed this. They agree with the writer of Hebrews and Paul himself. So, what was the solution. What was the missing piece. Whose blood is the blood needed by the covenant? This is a major concept that we end with before we start studying the individual verses in Exodus 20:1-17.
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link -
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
In this lesson we continue the introduction to the Ten Commandments. This is God's Covenant and He shows us that the life of His people, the life of those He enter the covenant, is a life far different than perhaps what we may have learned. We may have learned that we need to live a balanced life. We need to put things in their proper perspective and not anything in our life should become so high a priority that it tilts the balance. The church of Rome after it disconnected from its Jews roots, seemingly incorporated aspects of Greek philosophy. Aristotle was the big proponent of a balanced life. He said if you live such a life you will be happy. This is not what the Lord wants. When He gave Israel and us the Ten Commandments, actually עשׂרת הדברים Aseret HaDevareem, the Ten Statements (words), He was also teaching us that if we are truly a disciple of Jesus we will NOT live a balanced life.
So, God gives עשׂרת הדברים Aseret HaDevareem, His Ten Statements. Who was the targeted audience? Just the Hebrews only? If so why has the church taken them on? We are taught that Jesus did away with the "old" covenant. Huh? That means according to God's word, the very words of God Himself, that the Ten Commandments are null and void. Why? God said they were His covenant.
So he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread or drink water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.
(Exo 34:28)
This lesson like the previous lessons take us deeper into our understanding of this significant event in human history. Join me on this amazing journey into the very words of God and to study His עשׂרת הדברים Aseret HaDevareem - His Ten Statements - and see how this testifies of Yeshua Adonaynoo, Jesus our Lord.
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Friday May 31, 2024
Exodus - 47 - Exod. 20:1-17 lesson 2 part 2
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
Our study on עשׂרת הדברים Aseret HaDevareem - the Ten Statements - of the Lord continues. In this lesson, lesson 2 part 2 of the introduction to the Ten Commandments, we ask how does the Ten Commandments witness of the Messiah, the Christ, Jesus. Jesus said it in John 5:39 ...
"You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me." (Joh 5:39)
... and all they had was the Hebrew Scriptures then, the Old Testament. How might these verses Exod. 20:1-17 testify of Jesus. Come on. Let's go see.
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link -https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Wednesday May 29, 2024
GENESIS 98 - Gen. 46:34 and 47:1-31 - Hebrews Bought Into the Wrong Story
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Joseph - the prototype of Jesus
This lesson is a critical part of the saga of Joseph. We ask why did Joseph and his brothers stay in Egypt after the death of Jacob? This becomes apparent in Genesis 48-50 but the answer seems to be in Genesis 47 in one verse. It seems that Joseph and especially the rest of the family becomes blinded by the glory of Egypt, its riches and power and its awesome gods. If this is the case this set up the rest of the story that we will see in the book of Exodus.
In this lesson we will see how the attitude of the Egyptians as being superior not only of the Hebrews but to any non-Egyptian results in two laws Yahvay, the Lord, the God of Abraham, institutes as a way of living for the Hebrews. And us as well. We will see how all this relates to Jesus and what He said as the 2nd greatest commandment in the Torah, His instruction which is to love one's neighbor as yourself. I mentioned an awesome journal from the scholars at Netivyah ministries in Jerusalem. The journal is ...
You will find this an awesome resource and their journals are free. You don't want to not read this magazine. It gets to the issue of Jesus' adding to the law in Lev. 19:34 to love the stranger, the foreigner even it they are a pagan, even if they are an enemy. Jesus states clearly we are to love our enemy. But how? Get the journal at the link below.
Link - https://netivyah.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/TFZ-50-FOR-PRINT-1.pdf
I also urge you to also go to the store at Netivyah and check out all the ENGLISH MAGAZINES on many Bible topics for your learning and study. They are all free. Here's the link to all their free journals in their store - https://netivyah.org/library/
I also mentioned my research paper on Biblical dating. This article is also a must have and a required study piece for yourself. You'll be amazed at how archaeology and history show the true date of the Exodus and the dating of the saga of Joseph. It is a critical article to study in depth and with care. Here's the link - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vnwmvpa19tys8ud2d8i8r/DATING-EDWIN-THIELE-ASSYRIAN-LIST-TO-JOSEPH-IN-EGYPT-...-edited-and-updated.pdf?rlkey=gytmbmhsubmvurppnlrhpcqak&st=7kngcxut&dl=0
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy?
What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Exodus - 47 - Exod. 20:1-17 lesson 2 part 1
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Our study on עשׂרת הדברים Aseret HaDevareem - the Ten Statements - of the Lord continues. In this lesson, lesson 2 of the introduction to the Ten Commandments, we see the difference between simply studying the Ten Commandments as opposed to all the words God spoke as recorded on Exodus 20:1-17. In other words not only are we again putting the Bible into its historical context but putting the Ten Commandments back into their textual context. Quite simply you can not study the Ten Commandments without understanding the rest of the words God spoke that surround the Ten. This will be clear as we look at three topics.
The 1st is the fact by God's own words that the Sinai Covenant never was replaced! Christians say it was replaced. We will see something far more amazing and powerful.
2nd, we will look as the organization of the Ten Commandments. This we know ...
"It is a sign between Me and the sons of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day He ceased from labor, and was refreshed." When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God. (Exo 31:17-18)
God wrote them on two tablets. On both sides as well (Exod. 32:15). But, what was written on the front? The back? Were the two tablets copies of each other? Some say the Ten Commandments are in two groups. Group 1 is commandments 1 through 4 and the 2nd 5 through 10. I call it 4 by 6. Others say the 1st group is 1 through 5 and the 2nd 6 through 10. I call that 5 by 5. So what is it? The Torah is silent on all this. All we can do is consider some amazing possibilities.
Lastly, how did the Hebrews coming out of Egypt understand the words of Adonai in these verses. Or how did the disciples of Jesus understand them nearly 1500 years later. And how does this witness of the Messiah, the Christ, Jesus. Jesus said it in John 5:39 ...
"You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me." (Joh 5:39)
... and all they had was the Hebrew Scriptures then, the Old Testament. How might these verses testify of Jesus. Come on. Let's go see.
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link -https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Sunday May 26, 2024
Exodus - 47 Lesson 1 part 2 - Exod. 20:1-17 Two New Covenants
Sunday May 26, 2024
Sunday May 26, 2024
In part two we continue are introduction to the Ten Commandments - Aseret HaDevareem or the Ten Statements. God says these ten statements are His covenant as in Exod. 34:28. But, is it a contract? Is is an agreement? Is this covenant like a treaty?
The Lord gives us what He means by a covenant. It is like nothing ever seen in history then or now. The prophets of Israel are inspired by Yahvay, the Lord, to help us understand this unique and very special covenant. We realize that this is a NEW Covenant given at the mountain of God, Mt. Sinai, to His special chosen ones, Israel, who are led by Moses, the shepherd. All this seems to relate to another NEW Covenant given by the Lord - our Yeshua - at the mountain of God, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, to His chosen ones, His disciples, who are led by God's chosen one, Jesus, the Good Shepherd. The connections are too amazing. This must've been done one purpose. What is the Lord getting at? He is showing us that the 1st covenant, an integral part of God's redemption plan, needed to give birth to another New Covenant that brought completeness to His redemption plan. It was all related to the very words of God when Jesus said that all scripture testifies of Him in John 5:39.
So as we study the 1st it gives us an intimate connection to the 2nd. The 2nd finished what the 1st didn't address.
I mentioned other lessons you might consider studying. The first is Lesson 46 parts 1 &2 n this Exodus series. It sets the stage for the giving of the covenant at Sinai. Here's the link ...
Part 1 - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-uhhag-1...
Part 2 - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-7uqgr-1...
Another series that even goes into this deeper are the podcasts entitled "The Archaeology of Pentecost/Shavuot." It is clear the Lord God is making an amazing connection between the first Passover and Pentecost and the 1st covenant and the 2nd covenant. Here's the link for this series.
Link - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/?s=shavuot
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link -
Saturday May 25, 2024
Exodus - 47 lesson 1 part 1 - Exod. 20:1-17 - the Ten Commandments
Saturday May 25, 2024
Saturday May 25, 2024
Bible study on the Ten Commandments. This is not a study to re-teach the Ten Commandments. But as we put the Bible into its historical context, as we put the Bible back into its textual context, we begin to see things in a new light. This simply enriches our understanding of the Ten Commandments.
In Part 1 of lesson 1 we will ask if there are ten commandments or are they something else? And ten? Could there be 12 or 15 or 17 commandments? What is God's purpose in all this?
It is recommended that you listen to lesson 46 parts 1 & 2 first before jumping in to the extensive study of Exod. 20:1-17. Here's the links to lesson 46 parts 1 & 2.
Part 1 - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-uhhag-127e43f
Part 2 - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-7uqgr-1281e42
Who is this guy, Rev. Ferret? What's his background? Why should we take time to listen to him? Here's a link to check out his background ... - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Friday May 24, 2024
Truth Nuggets - 9 - Vine and the Branches - LIFT US UP
Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
Jesus teaches His disciples that they are the BRANCHES and He is the TRUE VINE. On top of that these branches are "clean" because of what they learned from their rabbi, Rabbi Jesus. Clean? You mean somehow Jesus' words gave them a bath? Huh?
He was teaching Jews in Israel about 2000 years ago. We are so disconnected from those days that much of what Jesus taught simply escapes us. So, if you thought you understood everything in John 15:1-11 wait till you watch this vidcast! The church has abandoned understanding the Bible in its ancient historical and cultural context. There are so many misconceptions that we are taught mistakenly and without the knowledge of the teacher. It is time once again to reconnect to those days and study His word in context and grasp the original intended meaning by the Lord. Ready? Let's go.
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
Joseph - the prototype of Jesus
This can't be! No way! Is there a possible connection in the saga of Joseph where his father Jacob comes to Egypt - all Israel before Joseph - and the events in Revelation 7? Could be? Just as "all" Israel (Jacob's name) and his entire family is delivered from the terrible 7 years of famine) so too will ALL Israel be delivered and saved in the days of the return of Messiah. The saga of Joseph is so timely and has so much for us today in the 21st century.
In this podcast, as in part 1, I provide four valuable links to study the amazing connections between Joseph and Jesus. The first is a short video that is a great introduction to this topic. Here's the link ...
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQKadh0fVCo
The second resource is an article at the excellent website "Hebrew4Christians." The article goes deeper into the connections between Joseph and Jesus providing over 60 indisputable connections solidly based upon scripture and not opinion or speculation. Here's link to the article ...
A third resource you must have access to is a scholarly paper written by my graduate studies advisor, Dr. Ron Mosely. In his paper Dr. Mosely discusses Joseph as a prototype of the the suffering Messiah just like David is a prototype of the conquering Messiah - https://www.academia.edu/3796976/Twice_Rejected_Mashiach_Ben_Joseph
The final link is to Netivyah (The Way of the Lord) ministries in Jerusalem. This is a Messianic Jewish ministry founded by Joseph Shulam, an amazing Jewish scholar who helps us reconnect to our Jewish roots of our faith. This link is to a book written by one of their resident scholars, Elhanan ben Avraham, "Moshiach ben Yosef (Messiah the Son Of Joseph)". I highly recommend you get this book and all the books you can buy from this ministry - https://netivyah.org/product/mashiach-ben-yoseph/
Another thing we studied in part 1 and it carries over into this podcast is what is a disciple? A disciple in Jesus' day is one who follows a rabbi and wants more than anything else to be just like the rabbi; a disciple wants to live a life so that they are a reflection of their rabbi. Here's the links I promised that are the vidcasts (videos) I did on the topic of Disciples and Apostles. The video is in two parts.
Part1 - Disciples and Apostles - https://lightofmenorah.podbean./e/truth-nugget-28-lesson-2-part-1-disciples-and-apostles/
Part2 - Disciples and Apostles - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/truth-nugget-28-lesson-2-part-2-disciples-and-apostles/
Here's a link to an excellent article on what a disciple was in the 1st century by Ray Vander Laan - https://www.thattheworldmayknow.com/rabbi-and-talmidim
Ray has also done audio sessions on the concept of disciples of a rabbi in Jesus' day. I will link you to the audio library and it is easy to slide down to the studies regarding disciples. Check out the "Age of a Disciple" and the sessions entitled "Disciples Parts 1, 2, and 3" and the audio sessions "The Dust of the Rabbi." Here's the link - https://www.thattheworldmayknow.com/category/Audio
In this podcast I again mention that Bible study is a requirement for us as true followers of Jesus. Matter of fact there is a renowned Messianic Gentile scholar, Dwight Pryor, who suggests that a church must provide Bible study and classes in order to obey Jesus to make disciples. As one studies what it really means to be a disciple of our rabbi, our Lord and Savior, our Yeshua, we find that as our "rabbi" was sent to teach so too His disciples are called to be sent by Him to teach. But, to teach means we need to learn and thus we need to do Bible study. That's for all believers in the church and just a select few.
What is interesting, for those of us focused on the Jewish roots of our faith and our Hebrew heritage, is that the study of the Bible in Jesus' day was considered the highest form of worship! Not prayer. Not speaking in tongues. Not singing and music. No. None of these. The study of God's word by the young and the old in Jesus' day was considered at the top of the list for true followers of the Lord. Below are two links to two excellent articles discussing this. The first is written by Dwight Pryor - a highly credible and well known Gentile Messianic Christian Bible scholar and the second is written by Professor WA Liebenberg, a Messianic Jewish scholar at the Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute in Pretoria South Africa. These are a must read to understand that to be true disciples of Adonai yeshua requires Bible study and not just Bible reading. Check them out at these links ...
Dwight Pryor's article - https://www.scribd.com/document/52577969/The-Highest-Form-of-Worship
WA Liebenberg's article - https://se1490ea64a00a596.jimcontent.com/download/version/1685034709/module/12434580160/name/The%20Highest%20Form%20of%20Worship%20Is%20Studying%20The%20Word.pdf
As we studied we encountered the contradiction between Gen. 46:27 where it says 70 came to Egypt and in Acts 7:14 it says 75. I mentioned I would provide you with the text of the Septuagint for Genesis 46 to show it was changed! The rabbis changed it. Shown below is Genesis 46 of the Septuagint.
Finally, I mentioned the links to study THE JEWISH RAPTURE. These are videos of my personal study of the rapture and how I found it to be already in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament. It is a totally Jewish concept and since we are "grafted in" as joint heirs with Israel it includes all of us as disciples of Adonai Yeshua. Here's the link to the videos.
Video 1 - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/truth-nuggets-27-episode-1-part-1-the-rapture-restored/
Video 3 - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/truth-nuggets-27-the-rapture-restored-lesson-2-part-1/
Video 4 - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/truth-nuggets-27-the-rapture-restored-episode-2-part-2/
Video 5 - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/truth-nuggets-27-rapture-restored-episode-2-part-3/
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
Sunday May 19, 2024
Shavuot (Pentecost) 4 - Archaeology 3 - One Flock & One Shepherd
Sunday May 19, 2024
Sunday May 19, 2024
Adonai is connecting Passover to First Fruits (Bikkureem) and First Fruits to Shavuot or Pentecost. It is so clear. When we put these events into their historical context of 1446 B.C. or the time of the first Passover, and in 30 A.D., the probable time of Jesus' death an resurrection, ascension, and the feast of Pentecost in Acts 2, we see how the missing pieces of Pentecost are filled in. Our understanding is again enriched and enhanced and we ask ourselves, how did we miss so much? Why isn't Pentecost Sunday a big deal in my church?
In this lesson I hope you will become as passionate as I in terms of the fact we in the "church" need to bring back Pentecost Sunday and make it a big deal again. It is more, much more, than what some say is the "birthday of the church." Shavuot, its Hebrew name, is integrated into the special season, the season of God's ways of deliverance, salvation, redemption, and renewal.
Hear the words of Jesus, the Good Shepherd,
"I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me, even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. I have other sheep (us Gentiles), which are not of this fold (Israel); I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they (Jew and Gentile) will become one flock with one shepherd." (Joh 10:14-16)
This is the gathering in of His believers as one flock, one people, or one assembly - in Greek ECCLESIA which is translated as CHURCH. The gathering of His assembly seems to begin in John 1 when two followed Jesus. One was Andrew, Peter's brother. More were added as Jesus came to them and said, "Come. Yes, come. Follow me." Shavuot is when the Lord poured out upon us POWER to be His witnesses to GO and make disciples and take God's Salvation (Yeshua - Jesus' name in Hebrew - means salvation!) and take God's Yeshua to the ends of the earth. Our POWER day is PENTECOST.
Here are the links referenced in this lesson.
Ray Vander Laan's audio lesson on Shavuot - https://www.thattheworldmayknow.com/shavuot
Tutorial of the feast of Shavuot presented by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem - http://templeinstitute.org/shavuot/
Rev. Ferret's lesson from his book entitled, "The Spring Feasts: the Shadows of the Messiah" - https://www.dropbox.com/s/2rs9dwl481eb9s1/Chapter%204%20-%20The%20Spring%20Feasts%20-%20the%20End%20of%20the%20Beginning.pdf?dl=0
Here's the link to the awesome commentary on Psalm 67 - a Psalm with 49 Hebrew words that many religious Jewish people recite each day of the count of the omer. But, it is an awesome psalm that is so related to Jesus, His resurrection, ascension, and Shavuot. Christians should be saying this everyday from the day of resurrection to Pentecost Sunday. Check this out - https://www.dropbox.com/s/5sigdosytw78ejs/psalm67%20and%20omer%20and%20jesus.jpg?dl=0
Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0