The study of the Bible in its historical context - with a focus on the archaeology, history, geography, customs , culture, and even the languages of the ancient Middle East. WE ask what did they understand THEN - the original intent of the Lord - so that we can expand and enrich our understanding NOW and thus become true disciples of Adonai Yeshua as in John 8:31-32.
Lesson 1
- Link to Joel Kramer's video channel - https://www.youtube.com/@ExpeditionBible/videos
- Joel Kramer's video on the Star Prophecy (includes the ancient city of Abel Shittim) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrv1_C-I3Es&t=224s
- Link to more on Abel Shittim-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qrv1_C-I3Es&t=224s
- Not Sodom - https://biblearchaeology.org/research/chronological-categories/patriarchal-era/3217-locating-sodom-a-critique-of-the-northern-proposal
- Shittim - Last camp of the Hebrews before crossing the Jordan - https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/223-abel-shittim
- The "Day of the Lord" - https://israelmyglory.org/article/the-biblical-concept-of-the-day-of-the-lord/
- What is a prophet?? - https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/12389-prophetsand-prophecy
- Light of Menorah's book chapter on Jesus and Rosh HaShana, the Feast of the Shofar
- Info on Thessalonica - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei2aY0QpeSc
- Info on Meggido - https://www.holylandsite.com/megiddo and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u6yTIw3euE
- Link to scholarly article to show Daniel's prediction of the 70 weeks shows exactly the year of 27 A.D. as the time Jesus begins His work as Messiah. Also, this is verified using archaeology. The Temple in Jesus' day was started in 19 B.C. and 46 years later this brings us to 27 A.D. which shows us the date when Jesus started His work as Messiah as we read in John 2:19-21
- Links to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn videos on end times topics -
Lesson 2
- Prime Minister of Turkey calls on all Muslims nations to unite against Israel - is this the beginning of the rise of the New Islamic Caliphate -
- 1st link - starts at 7:19 minute in this link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Hj3L0okng
- 2nd link - full speech in Turkish translated - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Unzz-LcoFM
- Rabbi Jonathan Cahn videos on Feast of Trumpets and the Messiah and the Countdown to Messiah (Daniel's Seventy Sevens) - you have to listen to these - too amazing ...
- Link - Feasts of Trumpets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLFC7QNGfqQ&t=452s
- Link - Countdown to Messiah - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLFC7QNGfqQ&t=452s
- YOU TUBE CHANNEL for Jonathan Cahn videos - https://www.youtube.com/@jonathancahn.official
- Link to Bible maps and the map of the Promised Land - https://biblemapper.com/blog/index.php/2022/12/18/borders-of-the-promised-land/
- Links related to the decline of the church
PEW RESEARCH – church declining fast - https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/
10 Reasons why the young are leaving the church - https://www.ministrybrands.com/church-management/youth-leaving-church/
- Links to the 5 minute vidcasts (Bible study videos) entitled "Five Small Stones" -
- Complete playlist of "Five Small Stones" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bolCKsqNqc&list=PLvcIXun2BQDLrT9lFv4zupz1VmYwMBpwn
- Episode 10: Genesis to Revelation - https://youtu.be/pOv3iGR9Vn0?si=inlDZGnc5m6ts6eB
- Link to maps from this lesson -https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/do06hzy8atlkjc4tz27d6/ANDC0_uqbwsQXdTY05exRX8?rlkey=vpeoo0b9xm23h92srk3sjfj53&st=o8t5jdey&dl=0
- Links to Barna's research that few pastors and few evangelicals have a Biblical worldview so that one might say the Great Apostasy has begun as in 2 Thess 2:3 -
- Link 1 - few evangelicals - click here to access the detailed information
- Link 2 - few pastors -click here for the details
Lesson 3
- Light of Menorah video of the Chiasm of the Bible - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/e/chiasm-of-the-light-genesis-to-revelation/?token=c64aaf09cd8610893914c2d59cbb471f
- Awesome You Tube video of the Roman seige of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple of the Lord - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y741QbT1YEo
- An article of the statue in Daniel 2 that argues the last empire is Islam and not Rome - again a fascinating view based upon real history -https://blowthetrumpet.com.au/the-last-empire/
- Biblical Chiastic Structures -
- Link 1 -https://www.gotquestions.org/chiasm-chiastic.html
- Link 2 - awesome site on Biblical chiasms - https://www.chiasmusxchange.com/explanatory-notes/#:~:text=Chiasmus%20refers%20to%20a%20sequence,not%20man%20for%20the%20sabbath%E2%80%9D.
- Link 3 - another great resource to understand chiasms in the Bible -https://deeperchristian.com/bible-chiasms-explanation-and-examples/
- Video - Joel Richardson's teaching that the antichrist is GOG from Ezekiel 37 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F199jXhmIMU&t=1s
- Video - Joel Richardson's teaching that the statue and final kingdom of Daniel 2 is not Rome but the Islamic Caliphate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Uc6sMHss0&t=11s
- Article - Joel Richardson's explanation that the final battle that some mistakenly call Armageddon is actually the battle described in Ezekiel 37, the battle of Gog of Magog - https://joelstrumpet.com/the-battle-of-gog-of-magog-the-return-of-jesus/
Lesson 4
- Video documentary of Chanukah (excellent review of the history of this event) - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4hr6jqrmoub69cvz1jkso/Maccabees-Revolution-and-Redemption-THE-STORY-OF-HANUKKAH-Bible-History-Documentary.mp4?rlkey=2inl80zkp12rat6sz8nt5dt7e&st=69269q4g&dl=0
- Video from Associates for Biblical Research showing the archaeological proof that Daniel was written in the 6th century B.C. and is thus shows how Daniel 11 is so amazingly accurate - https://youtu.be/0Vfw76j6BeE?si=hgR1BqE-hYg2V4Je
- Dr. Billington's review of Daniel 11 - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v5qezmcw94czn50t4nkuh/Hanukkah-Daniel-11-study-guide-billington.docx?rlkey=lta4py7vf54li0n6yo39ec97m&st=zu36yk3f&dl=0
- Video Bible study - Chanukah and the Return of the King - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvcIXun2BQDKco3D00NfrBUa1gDQLqaJP
- Book of 1 Maccabees - https://bible.usccb.org/bible/1maccabees/1
- Book of 2 Maccabees - https://bible.usccb.org/bible/2maccabees/1
- History between the testaments from Olive Tree - https://staging-blog.olivetree.com/what-happened-between-old-and-new-testament/
- History between the testaments from Focus on the Family - https://www.focusonthefamily.ca/content/what-happened-between-the-old-and-new-testaments
- Light of Menorah booklet (PDF) covering the history and the ancient Middle East at the time of Chanukah and the revolt of the Maccabees - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5c7u6fwumoozdow9b9n7r/h?rlkey=o4ymt58k5pv5i5gdgp59l626p&st=tmsnmph4&dl=0